Rough Draft conference, Sligo

By admin on November 5, 2013 in Design show

Thursday, November 7th 2013, 11am-6pm

Leo has been given the opportunity to demo new work and current thoughts on design at a new conference called Rough Draft which is being held at the Glass House in Sligo this Thursday. Should be an interesting day with a good spectrum of speakers line up.

From the Rough Draft Web site:

Sligo’s first ever Design Week event will take place on Thursday November 7th 2013 from 11am. The Rough Draft conference will feature speakers from across design and new media disciplines, both from the North-West and national regions, speaking about successes and failures in their past work.

Tickets are free and early booking is advised via the booking link on the web site

Use the Twitter hashtag #roughdraft2013 to chat & discuss the events!

Web site: