Powered by Pecha Kucha Leitrim 2015

By admin on October 7, 2015 in Architecture, Events, Fine Art, Inspiration, Music

Another great ‘Powered by Pecha Kucha’ evening at the Leitrim Design House/ The Dock in Carrick on Shannon last night.
Thanks to our great speakers – Mark Willis, Kate Oram, Anthony O’Flynn, Charles Perpoil and Peter Cowman. I’d also like to thank Glenda, Paul and Geraldine at the Leitrim Design House for organising the facilities and the food and of course our sponsors Year of Design 2015. It was an inspirational evening filled with music, fine art, craft and discussions about the built environment. The forum discussion at the end was food for thought and several new connections were made during a short networking session.
We have one more evening in this years Pecha Kucha program on the 20th of October again at the Leitrim Design House and we’ll be releasing the list of speakers shortly. Please do spread the word about this great social evening to friends and colleagues.

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