Designer Small Talk

Leo will participate in a Design talk as part of Design Week Belfast this year
from the Northern Ireland Design Alliance web site:
Designer Small Talk
There’s never been a better time to be a designer. Emerging economies, the public sector and major business brands are starting to recognise the difference that design and designers make to improving products and services.
As part of ID2015 and Belfast Design Week the Northern Ireland Design Alliance are hosting a lunchtime session with 4 designers in conversation, exploring trends and changes in the design sector. Our speakers all come from different parts of Ireland (north and south) and different perspectives creatively; yet they share a dialogue around issues affecting education, business, creative networks, how we change as an industry and the importance of design in our future economy. Please join us and participate in the discussion. Spaces are limited so please book in advance – See link below
Marc O’Riain Marc is also the current president of IDI
Leo Scarff
Michele Douglas
Stephen McGilloway
When: Friday, 6 Nov 2015 at 12.45pm – 2pm
Where: Cafe 31, 31 North St, Belfast , BT1 1NA